ID Cards

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ID Cards

Each EHS resident will be issued a photo EHS ID/key card to enter the building and access their room. All residents are required to carry their EHS ID at all times.

If someone is found with an EHS ID/Key that doesn’t belong to them, both the resident pictured on the ID and the individual in possession of the keycard will face disciplinary sanctions and the ID will be confiscated.


It is your responsibility to carry your ID/key with you at all times. If you are locked out, please follow these steps:

  • All residents should go to the EHS Student Life Office during the posted hours.
  • A temporary room access key will be issued.
  • Residents are required to return this key within 20 minutes of issue, to avoid a $20 access key replacement fee.
  • For lockouts after 10:00PM, you must go to the security desk located in the hotel's main lobby who will let you in to your room.

EHS ID Replacement Fee: $20.00.

EHS Mail Key Replacement Fee: $10.00.