Visitor Policy
This policy exists to allow residents to have visitors in a manner that does not infringe upon the comfort or rights of other residents and maintains an appropriate level of safety and security in the building. Being and/or having a visitor is a privilege and not a right. Visitors are expected to abide by all college, building and EHS policies and procedures. The host is responsible for the actions of their visitors at all times.
Any visitor who violates any EHS/school or building policy while in EHS housing is subject to penalties including EHS and/or school disciplinary procedures and/or legal penalties and will be asked to leave the residence. EHS and/or schools that work with EHS have the right to ban any visitor.
It is expected that residents having visitors know and abide by the Visitor policy, plan, be courteous to one another, communicate with their roommates, and make compromises when necessary. EHS reserves the right to change policies due to resident/visitor behavior.
Please note that Overnight Visitors are not allowed in double or triple rooms during the first week following arrival; this process is in place to allow residents to acclimate themselves to the city and their new roommate(s). For questions, please reach out to
The following conditions must be met:
Residents may have up to two (2) Daytime Visitors at a time and only one (1) Overnight Visitor at a time.
All visitors must be registered.
Visitors must be at least 18 years of age.
Visitors must be physically escorted by host at all times, including entering/exiting and while in the resident's room.
At the time of the Visitor’s departure, the host must escort the visitor to the Clark Lobby to sign them out with Security. Failure to sign out your visitor may result in loss of visitor privileges.
Our expectation is that you have communicated with your roommate(s) about having a visitor for each visit.
Visitors need to be registered via the Visitor Registration Form (upon first visit).
No person who is required by law to register as a sex offender may be a visitor in any EHS residence.
Visitor Procedure Overview
All visitors must register AND enter through the 55 Clark Street Lobby (at no time will visitors be permitted via the 100 Henry Street Entrance).
For the first time visiting, the visitor must complete the Visitor Registration Form via the QR code at the Clark Security Desk.
Visitors must show government-issued photo ID and resident must show EHS ID.
Resident must sign out visitor. To sign out, the visitor (with host present) must show their ID to Clark Security (in the 55 Clark Street Lobby). Failure to sign out your visitor may result in loss of visitor privileges.
Daytime Visitor:
Day visitor may be in the building from 8AM to 11PM.
Day visitor registration hours are from 8AM to 10PM.
EHS resident must meet their Day Visitor in the Clark Lobby to sign them in with security.
Anyone wishing to enter after 11PM, must follow the overnight visitor procedures below.
Overnight Visitor Procedure:
Residents must submit the Overnight Visitor Form on the day of the visitor’s arrival and before 11PM.
- Overnight visitor registration hours are from 8AM to 11PM.
- The overnight visitor registration form will be closed from 11PM to 8AM.
- You will NOT be able to register an overnight visitor after 11PM.
- As long as the form is complete before 11PM, you may sign your visitor in at any time.
- Incomplete or erroneous forms will not be honored.
Residents are only allowed seven (7) overnight visits per calendar month.
Visitors are allowed a maximum of seven (7) overnight stays per calendar month, regardless of the host.
Upon final approval and payment, resident and visitor receive confirmation email.
- The email to the visitor serves as the Visitor Pass. This Pass serves at the visitor’s ID and proof of an authorized visit.
- This pass is valid until 10:59PM on the last day of the registered visit.
Upon arrival, residents meet visitors in the lobby and proceed to the security desk.
Security will check the overnight visitor’s list to confirm visitor’s name appears.
Visitor gives security valid government-issued photo ID.
Residents and visitors proceed to enter the residence.
At the time of the Visitor’s departure, the host must escort the visitor to the Clark Lobby to sign them out with Security. Failure to sign out your visitor may result in loss of visitor privileges
- Overnight Visitor Fees:The fee for a visitor is $5 per night for the first three (3) nights and $20 per night for each consecutive night after that, up to seven (7) nights a month. Please see the chart below:

- Warning *Penalty: Failure to complete this process in a timely manner will result in a $5 penalty between the hours of 11pm and 8am or visitor may not be allowed to enter building.
Conduct/Additional Policies
EHS does not provide an ID for any visitor.
EHS does not provide beds, bedding, or linens for any visitor.
Visitors must abide by all building policies.
You are not permitted to hand your ID to your visitor for access. If found in violation, you will be required to meet with the Directors and your visitor privileges may be revoked.
Visitors have no occupancy rights and can be asked to leave the premises at any time.
The resident is responsible for any and all actions of their visitor. All residents are legally and financially responsible for the conduct of their visitors.
Having visitors is a privilege, not a right, and EHS reserves the right to ban any visitor or restrict any resident’s visitor privileges.
Visitors who violate any policies may be asked to leave the residence immediately and will be prohibited from future visits to the residence.
It is the responsibility of the host to meet the visitor in the Lobby.
Any school or organization may have additional visitor policies that may also be in effect.
Schools and organizations that partner with EHS reserve the right to ban any visitor.